Whoa – We’ve been gone a whole week!

Crazy how time gets away from you. I understand it’s been a really bad flu season – and I believe it as it has hit the Blanchard house hard. I also now believe in the flu shot – because the two kids who work for Rutgers Public Safety and were required to have the shot did NOT get sick. So I had two kids with the flu, one of whom got sick again after the flu with something that was not the flu but knocked her out for a full eight days – three of which with a fever so high I thought the thermometer was broken. I went for a flu shot soon after the second one fell in my house, knowing that it probably was too late for me. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t… I did get sick, but with pneumonia, not the flu. What the heck?! I’ll say any faith that I had lost in big pharma has been restored as it’s only been 24 hours and I can take a deep breath again without being thrown into a coughing fit.

So maybe you didn’t miss me, maybe you did; maybe this is TMI, buy I’m just trying to keep it real!! Anyway, I’ll be easy to reach this weekend as I have no plans to go out or be with people until I finish my Z-pack!

Stay healthy friends!

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Jennifer Blanchard

Jennifer Blanchard is a Top Producing real estate agent in Basking Ridge with over 20 years of experience. She would love the opportunity to discuss any real estate questions you have.

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