Repair or Replace Appliances?

Repair or Replace?


There’s nothing worse than having a major appliance break, especially since most people depend heavily on their dish washer and laundry machines. Then, there is the inevitable choice that must be made: whether to repair it or just get a new one.

Of course, the primary factor to consider when making a decision is the cost of the repair versus the cost of replacing the appliance, factoring in such things as tax, installation, and removal and disposal of the broken unit. According to Angie’s List, a national consumer ratings company, these things should also be considered:

  • Age/History – Older appliances may require ongoing service, which could cost more over time than simply buying something new. On the other hand, if you have not had trouble with the appliance in the past, it might be worth fixing it.
  • Energy Efficiency – New appliances could save you considerably when it comes to energy costs. Determine if the energy savings will offset the cost of a new appliance. In addition, tax credits may be available on energy-efficient units.
  • Features/Performance – As technology advances, appliances have more and more features and can do more things. Putting cost aside, purchasing a new appliance might be the right choice simply because it improves your quality of life.

If the decision is to purchase a new appliance, remember that quality products tend to last longer, and that proper care will help prevent problems and reduce the need for repairs.

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