Tips for Sellers – summer insects

The last thing a seller wants a potential homebuyer to see when viewing their home is an insect crawling across the floor, wall or counter top. With summer upon us, this is the time when it is most likely that insects will be active outside – and sometimes inside – a home. Ants, spiders and other bugs do sometimes make their way into homes, often through cracks, vents, pipes and with other items brought into the home such as grocery bags.

However, there are steps homeowners can take that will limit the possibility that bugs will be attracted to their home. These include sealing cracks and crevices around doors and windows, cleaning up spilled food and drinks immediately, keeping gutters clear, directing water from downspouts away from the home, and not allowing mulch or soil to accumulate against the home’s siding.

Those who do find themselves with a bug infestation should treat it immediately with a pesticide or natural alternative. Many people have become wary of killing insects with chemicals because of the potential health risk to humans. Although slower acting than chemical pesticides, products made from natural substances can be highly effective. If using an outside pest control company, make sure the company is licensed and a member of a local, state or national pest management association.

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Jennifer Blanchard

Jennifer Blanchard is a Top Producing real estate agent in Basking Ridge with over 20 years of experience. She would love the opportunity to discuss any real estate questions you have.

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