Insights – Homeowner Tips

We might wish it wasn’t so, but winter is on its way, along with much cooler temperatures. For homeowners with a fireplace, now is a good time to think about setting up your annual fireplace and chimney inspection. Inspecting and cleaning your chimney on a regular basis can improve fireplace performance, and help prevent chimney fires and carbon monoxide concerns.

Here’s why it’s so important: As you enjoy the warmth of a fire on a cold winter night, creosote and soot is building up. This can restrict air flow and damage the fireplace chimney. If you have a gas fireplace rather than a wood-burning one, you’re not off the hook. Even gas fireplace chimneys can become blocked by a bird’s nest or other debris.

There are three standard levels of service when it comes to chimney inspections. A level-one chimney inspection includes a visual check of the fireplace and chimney, followed by a recommendation regarding cleaning, which can be done on the spot.

A more extensive, level-two inspection is required after a dramatic weather event such as an earthquake, tornado or hurricane, or upon purchase of a new home. This expands upon the level-one inspection, with the inspector climbing on the roof and in the attic and crawl spaces to check for items in need of repair. A level-three chimney inspection is done only rarely, usually after a chimney fire. During this type of inspection, the walls of the chimney are typically torn down and rebuilt.

Whichever one you require, be sure to add this important task to your to-do list this fall.

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Jennifer Blanchard

Jennifer Blanchard is a Top Producing real estate agent in Basking Ridge with over 20 years of experience. She would love the opportunity to discuss any real estate questions you have.

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